Peter Kuciak

Peter Kuciak

About Peter Kuciak

Executive corporate leader, creator of products, focused on lifetime relationships with customers, partners, and employees. Extensive global network based on public speaking, strategic partnerships, product marketing, sales, project delivery, and business development. Coach, mentor and father to three amazing young adults.

Peter has been fortunate to have worked with amazing mentors along his career path. Key elements gathered provided him with emotional intelligence, passion for strategic innovation, importance of transparency, trust, and diligence.

Working with many companies and in different sectors gave Peter the opportunity to lead innovation, next generation strategy, turn-around needs, creation of products, marketing activities, business development, and - more recently - digital transformation.

Focused on speed, agility, and delivery of above expectation results. Always keen to jump into customer co-innovation as that is the best vehicle for that win:win result.